Xianyunis the latest addition to the Genshin Impact 5-star roster and she enables plunging attacks for all characters in her team. She is a 5-star anemo support unit and pairs really well with Claymore DPS characters who deal the most plunge damage. Xiao also gets a massive buff from Xia...
With 24 characters to unlock and pick from, and more to come in future updates, it can be hard to know which are worth spending your time and resources leveling up. That’s why we’ve broken down each character and come up with this list of the absolute best characters inGenshin Impact...
The best build for Raiden Shogun in Genshin Impact, including her ideal weapons, talents, constellations, and more.
Zhongli, the Geo Archon, is one of the coolest characters in Genshin Impact. He’s smooth, stylish, and has effortless charisma. He’s also how you activate easy mode. Zhongli’s Elemental Skill provides the strongest shield in the game. It scales off of his HP, providing 150% damage a...
The new Genshin Impact characters are Nahida and Layla. The first is the human vessel of the Dendro Archon, Lesser Lord Kusanali, so you can expect her to be a powerful five-star Dendro character. The second, Layla, is a Cryo character, though not all that much is known about her rig...
featuring Kamisato Ayaka on her first rerun Banner. Ayaka is a beloved character by theGenshin Impactcommunity and a rerun for her has been greatly anticipated. She will be the only Featured Banner in the second half of patch 2.6, and her Banner will also feature the 4-star characters Sayu...
Genshin Impact 5.2 B Tier Characters These characters are reliable performers who might need more specific support to really shine: Ayaka Rarity: 5-Star Element: Cyro Weapon: Sword She has a straightforward playstyle, strong burst potential, and good energy generation. Her unique dash infusion de...
Which reactions gain the most damage from Elemental Mastery in Genshin Impact? Swirl: Thanks to the update to Swirl damage calculations in Version 1.6, Swirl deals massive damage with higher levels of Elemental Mastery. For most Anemo characters, you need to get their Elemental Mastery stat as ...
Learn how to make the best Eula build in Genshin Impact by following this walkthrough, which takes you through weapons, artifacts, constellations, and more.
Rarity:4-star Element:Geo Weapon:Polearm Role:Sub-DPS Kachina is the latest free characterto be released inGenshin Impact. Like other Natlan characters, she has excellent exploration abilities, which makes her a smooth character to use. In terms of combat, Kachina isn't remarkable. ...