Also ranks #7 on The Best 1970s Animated Movies, Ranked 19 Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown Bill Melendez 121 votes In this heartwarming animated special, the Peanuts gang navigates the ups and downs of love as Valentine's Day approaches. Charlie Brown anxiously awaits a valentine from his sec...
Set predominantly in the 1980s, this poignant and groundbreaking romantic drama follows the secret and forbidden love between two cowboys, played by Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal. Exploring themes of masculinity, repression, and societal expectations, the film provides a powerful and...
Watch on Lead vocalist Adrianne Lenker’s voice peeks through a sheath of static electronic murmurs, as she sings in a near whisper on “Blurred View,” the entrancing single from the Brooklyn band. BUY SONG Advertisement - Continue Reading Below ...
“The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.”“War.”“For the Love of Money.” The best funk songs of the 70s often did both. And, as the decade rolled to a conclusion, there was one song that signaled the beginning of something new that would slowly conquer the world: “Rapper’s ...
11.Three's Company Ray Charles sings the theme song toThree's Company. You read that right. What's important to know is that there have been two very different successful singers named Ray Charles. One was an R&B, jazz and blues legend known for songs such as "Georgia on My Mind" ...
Those video games you love don't make themselves, as you seen in Bandersnatch, which highlights the hazards of overworked employees. Since this is a Black Mirror film, though, everything goes crazy as the audience is given the ability to direct the protagonist's actions, turning the movie in...
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Entertainment NFL Fans Were Left "Speechless" by National Anthem Alexandra Breckenridge Adores This Skin Tint Kelly Reilly Reflects on Playing Beth Dutton Max Thieriot on Bode's New Role in 'Fire Country'...
From 10cc to XTC and from punk to to prog to ambient to disco, our list of the greatest songs from one of music’s greatest decades.
s alter-ego Alvy Singer, as he becomes smitten with the eponymous WASP flibbertigibbet played by Diane Keaton. In part a study of American Jewish assimilation and in part the saga of falling in and out love,Annie Hallis still more than the sum of its perfect bits. And, yes, the bits...
Yet for as tender and sad as this drama is, it's also alive with love and lust — the latter thanks to Scott's onscreen romance with Aftersun's Paul Mescal, who plays a neighbor is desperate need of human connection. Altogether, this ensemble offers a movie that will make your spirit...