Follow young Goku's journey as he encounters strange creatures, powerful adversaries, and lifelong friends during his search for the mystical Dragon Balls in this beloved anime classic. Premiered: February 26, 1986 Number of Episodes: 310 Dig Deeper The 25 Greatest Kamehamehas in Dragon Ball...
Quintessential teen moment: Sociopathic transfer student Kiriyama emerges from an explosion, eyeballs melted away, and is shot in his tracking collar, blowing his head off.Yearbook superlative: Most likely to stab you in the backRequired reading: Battle Royale by Koushun Takami and Masayuki Taguchi...
Quintessential teen moment: Sociopathic transfer student Kiriyama emerges from an explosion, eyeballs melted away, and is shot in his tracking collar, blowing his head off.Yearbook superlative: Most likely to stab you in the backRequired reading: Battle Royale by Koushun Takami and Masayuki Taguchi...
Crossballs: The Debate Show Jerry Minor, Matt Besser, Andy Daly 59 votes Crossballs: The Debate Show is a Comedy Central television show which poked fun at cable news networks' political debate shows, especially CNN's Crossfire and MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews. In each episod...
Some of the greatest teen movies focus on the oddballs – and few balls are odder than Jon Heder's buck-toothed, curly-haired, dead-eyed Napoleon Dynamite. Jared Hess's directorial debut revels in the weirdness of Napoleon and his world – a heightened, era-melding slice of small-town ...
Obstacles can be super simple objects – such as a table to crawl under or a series of chairs to weave around, or more involved, such as a blow up pool full of small plastic balls to crawl through and a maze of colored tape stuck to the floor. ...
Underpinning your missions is a nicely balanced upgrade cycle, which has you swap crystals you find for power-ups like extra balls and more shots. Do well enough and you’ll reach the core, get a ton of bling, and be able to unlock larger, deeper planets – and eventually an endless ...
There's gore flooding right up to its popping-out eyeballs. The craft on display is astonishing, and seeing how these beasties go from nightmare to flesh will forever be fascinating. — J.A. How to watch: Face Off is now streaming on Netflix....
However, OHTO lacks a rubberized grip which may be an issue for some people, and at over $10 per pen, it is a little on the pricy side compared to some Sharpies and Uni-Balls. OHTO Rays Gel Ink Ballpoint Pen 0.5mm [Yellow] NKG-255R-YL (Japan Import) $9.80 Buy Now We earn...
The Ball:It must be strong enough and spherical to ensure an enjoyable gaming experience. Celluloid balls are now banned by the federation because of their flammability; they are replaced today by plastic bullets. The Holders:Few ping pong tables come with a holder made out of nylon fabric to...