A balance transfer card is an important tool to help pay off credit card debt. These cards enable you to move high-interest debt to a new credit card that won’t charge interest for a year or more. Some of the top cards offer a 0% intro APR well into 2026. Here is our list of ...
we analyzed over 100 popular balance transfer cards using an average American's annual spending budget and credit card debt and dug into each card's perks and drawbacks. We factored in each card's transfer fee, the length of the 0% interest period and any interest you'd pay once the intr...
So the ideal balance transfer credit card would have a $0 balance transfer fee, as well as a $0 annual fee and a long 0% intro APR period. At one point in the mid-2010s, such "triple-zero" cards weren't too difficult to find, and several major issuers made such offers available, ...
Best Balance Transfer Credit Cards Credit card NerdWallet rating Intro APRRegular APRRewards rateLearn more Discover it® Cash Back - 18 Month Intro Balance Transfer Offer 4.9/5Best for Long intro period + quarterly categories 0% intro APR on Purchases for 6 months and 0% intro APR on Bala...
A balance transfer card is an important tool to help pay off credit card debt. These cards enable you to move high-interest debt to a new credit card that won’t charge interest for a year or more. Some of the top cards offer a 0% intro APR well into 2026. Here is our list of ...
Balance transfer intro APR 0% intro for 18 months on Balance Transfers Regular APR 18.24% - 28.24% (Variable) Rewards rate Hover to learn more 1% - 5% Annual fee $0 Why you'll like this: It boasts an intro APR on par with several top balance transfer cards, plus it rewards your purch...
Top 0% Intro APR Credit Cards for Balance TransfersCardBest For0% Period on Balance TransfersRegular APRTransfer Fee Annual Fee Citi Double Cash® Card Top Pick: Long intro period + cash back rewards 18 months (transfers must be completed in first 4 months) 19.24% - 29.24% (Variable) ...
Best Balance Transfer Credit Cards Review Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card If you’re looking for a 0% intro APR for purchases paired with flexible cash back rewards and a lot of other perks, this is it. TheChase Freedom Unlimited credit cardoffers a 15 month intro 0% APR on new purcha...
Thebest balance transfer credit cardsoffer no interest periods of at least a year, and some cards also offer hard-to-find$0 balance transfer fees. If you have a large purchase coming up, consider putting it on an intro 0% APR card and benefit from no interest charges while you repay deb...
A balance transfer credit card can be an excellent tool for saving money on interest charges and taking control of your credit card debt. But before applying, consider how long the promotional period is and whether there is a balance transfer fee. The best balan...