For the convergent validity process, 130 patients diagnosed with chronic non-specific neck pain (CNSNP) were randomly assessed using four static balance tests (BESS, Single-leg balance test (SLBT), Romberg test, and Tandem stance test). For reliability, two assessors...
Tandem Stance: Standing heel to toe on a foam surface with the non- dominant foot (defined above) in the back. Heel of the dominant foot should be touching the toe of the non-dominant foot. Hands are on the hips and their eyes are closed. ...
NeuroCom testing included a modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction on Balance (mCTSIB) both on a firm and foam surface, a single leg stance test with eyes open and closed on both a firm and foam surface, and a tandem walk test where end sway was recorded. BESS testing was done ...
The number of errors from pre to post season increased during the double leg stance on foam (p < .001), tandem stance on foam (p = .009), total number of errors on a firm surface (p = .042), and total number of errors on a foam surface (p = .007). Errors committed during ...