然后看Adams 的Sobolev space。最近,我在看的Fourier analysis and nonlinear PDEs (Hajer Bahouri等著...
Taylor, Sobolev and Besov space estimates for solutions to second order PDE on Lipschitz domains in manifolds with Dini or Ho¨lder continuous metric tensors, Commun. Partial Differ. Equ. 30, 1-37 (2005).Mitrea, M., Taylor, M.: Sobolev and Besov space estimates for solutions to second ...
齐次Sobolev空间和齐次Besov空间的一些注记 严兆英;王术 【摘要】A bstract:Sobolev Space and Besov space plays an important role in the learning of partial differential,the application of its corresponding spaces are gradually noticed.This paper discussed on the equivalent definition of homogeneous Besov ...
Besov Space and the main theorem in thehomogeneous Sobolev space. The equivalent definition of the homogeneous Besov space wasgiven concrete proof process. Make out a more detailed proof of some theorems that given inhomogeneous Sobolev space, which used the method of decomposition in the ring. ...
A bstract:Sobolev Space and Besov space plays an important role in the learning of partial differential,the application of its corresponding spaces are gradually noticed.This paper discussed on the equivalent definition of homogeneous Besov Space and the main theorem in the...
Then the Kondratiev space Kam,p(D) is an algebra with respect to 123 Regularity in Sobolev and Besov Spaces… 11747 pointwise multiplication, i.e., there exists a constant c such that uv|Kam,p(D) ≤ c u|Kam,p(D) · v|Kam,p(D) holds for all u, v ∈ Kam,p(D). (ii) Let...
Spaces of Besov-Sobolev type and a problem on nonlinear approximation We study fractional variants of the quasi-norms introduced by Brezis, Van Schaftingen, and Yung in the study of the Sobolev space W1,p. The resulting space... O Dominguez,A Seeger,B Street,... - 《Journal of Functional...
Motivated by the need in boundary value problems for partial differential equations, classical trace theorems characterize the trace to a subset F of Rn of Sobolev spaces and Besov spaces consisting of functions defined on Rn, if F is a linear subvariety Rd of Rn or a d-dimensional smooth su...
Note that if b=0 then Bp,qs,0 coincides with the usual Besov space Bp,qs. Besov spaces of generalized smoothness can be also introduced by using the modulus of smoothness as we recall next. Let f be a function on Rn, let h∈Rn and k∈N. We put(Δh1f)(x)=f(x+h)−f(x)...
in a functional setting of low regularity, namely with initial conditions for both the fluid equation and the magnetic equation taken in Besov space of tight indices (“close” toL^3(\Omega )ford = 3). The reason for seeking such generality (over the traditionalL^2-based Sobolev setting in...