In this paper, we focus on sentence-level generation evaluation, and introduce BERTScore, an evaluation metric based on pre-trained BERT contextual embeddings (bert). BERTScore computes the similarity between two sentences as a weighted aggregation of cosine similarities between their tokens. BERTScore...
KG-BERTScore gets higher overall correlation with human judgements than the current state-of-the-art metrics for reference-free machine translation evaluation.1 Moreover, the pre-trained multilingual model used by KG-BERTScore and the parameter for linear combination are also studied in this paper....
While subjective assessments have been the gold standard for evaluating speech generation, there is a growing need for objective metrics that are highly correlated with human subjective judgments due to their cost efficiency. This paper proposes reference-aware automatic evaluation methods for speech gener...
We propose BERTScore, an automatic evaluation metric for text generation. Analogous to common metrics, \method computes a similarity score for each token in the candidate sentence with each token in the reference. However, instead of looking for exact matches, we compute similarity using contextualiz...
Security Insights Additional navigation options main 2Branches12Tags Code README MIT license CodeBERTScore This is the official implementation of the paper: Shuyan Zhou, Uri Alon, Sumit Agarwal, Graham Neubig,CodeBERTScore: Evaluating Code Generation with Pretrained Models of Code ...
Source code for "FastBERT: a Self-distilling BERT with Adaptive Inference Time". Good News 2021/10/29 - Code: Code of FastPLM is released on both Pypi and Github. 2021/09/08 - Paper: Journal version of FastBERT (FastPLM) is accepted by IEEE TNNLS. "An Empirical Study on Adaptive In...
BERTScore is an effective and robust automatic metric for referencebased machine translation evaluation. In this paper, we incorporate multilingual knowledge graph into BERTScore and propose a metric named KG-BERTScore, which linearly combines the results of BERTScore and bilingual named entity matching...
深度学习技术和生成式人工智能技术已在机器翻译领域引发质的变革,为该领域的进步开辟了新径.为综合评价不同技术和算法背景下的机器翻译在涉海领域的应用效能,构建涵盖100个代表性涉海例句的中英双语方向的测试集,基于涉海文本的语言结构特点选取BLEU,chrF++和BERTScore 3种自动评估指标,对人工智能助手ChatGPT(4.0)和...