a c graylingbertrand russellNew York Review of Books
BertrandRussellin1893 •OneofthefundersofAnalyticphilosophy •Philosophyoflanguage:Russell’stheoryofdescription•Acontributiontometaphysics(形而上学)andEpistemology(认识论)TheBest-SellingBooks GivesRussell'sviewsonphilosophicalsubjectsandvalueofphilosophicalknowledge.1912 TheBest-SellingBooks Thisbookgivesa...
the Great Reform Bill of 1832. Trinity College 三一学院 Philosopher One of the funders of Analytic philosophy Philosophy of language: Russell’s theory of description A contribution to metaphysics(形而上学) and Epistemology(认识论) Mathematician ...
Trinity College 三一学院 Philosopher One of the funders of Analytic philosophy Philosophy of language: Russell’s theory of description A contribution to metaphysics(形而上学) and Epistemology(认识论) Mathematician A Barber’s Story This barber shaves all and only those men of the town who do ...
当当中华商务进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《海外直订Bertrand Russell's Theory of Knowledge 伯特兰·罗素的《知识论》。最新《海外直订Bertrand Russell's Theory of Knowledge 伯特兰·罗素的《知识论》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《
引自On Denoting by Bertrand Russell 他通过格雷挽歌的例子说明,当我们意图要说某词的意义时,我们实际上所说的却是该词指称的意义。弗雷格有关于指称和意义区分到最后并没有意义。 接下来,罗素再次重申: …a denoting phrase is essentially part of a sentence, and does not, like most single words, have ...
Russell's philosophical evolution led him into a broad program of research where he applied the resources of mathematical logic to theoretical inquiry. In the neorealist and neopositivist stages of Russell's evolution this program led to the formulating of his Theory of Knowledge, and from then ...
BertrandRussell罗素简介 1872-1970RoadtoFreedom到自由之路;MarriageandMorals婚姻与自由;MysticismandLogic 神秘主义与逻辑;ScepticalEssays怀疑论集;TheAnalysisofMind心理分析;HistoryofWestern Philosophy西方哲学史;PriccipiaMathematica数学原理;AFreeMan’sWorship短篇小说:Satan intheSuburbs撒旦在郊区;PortraitsfromMemory回忆...
Section B, Theory of Apparent Variables *13. IDENTITY The propositional function "x is identical with y" will be written "x = y." We shall find that this use of the sign of equality covers all the common uses of equality that occur in mathematics. The definition is as follows: *130...
After the war Russell visited Russia and after meeting Lenin and Leon Trotsky wrote a book, Theory and Practice of Bolshevism (1919), that was very critical of communism.When they returned to England in 1921 Dora Black agreed to marry Bertrand. Over the next few years Bertrand became ...