Focuses on Bertrand Russell's articles about the Soviet Union, published in the journal "Nation." Revelation of Russia as a country governed by a war dictatorship consisting of a faction tending towards Bonapartism and another tending towards a radic...
Russell–Einstein Manifesto The Manifesto was issued during a press conference at Caxton Hall, London on 9 July 1955 in the midst of the Cold War. Russell began the conference by stating, “I am bringing the warning pronounced by the signatories to the notice of all the powerful Governments ...
And so on.) More enlightened colleagues, however, soon recognized the work as ushering in a new era. Hilbert, in particular, was a great supporter, as were many of the top names in several countries. Then intellectual disaster struck. Cantor himself and others, most famously Russell in a ...
Reform Bill which started England on the road toward de- mocracy. He was Prime Minister during the Mexican War and during the revolutions of 1848. In common with the 2 PORTRAITS FROM MEMORY whole Russell family, he inherited the peculiar brand of aris- ...
And so on.) More enlightened colleagues, however, soon recognized the work as ushering in a new era. Hilbert, in particular, was a great supporter, as were many of the top names in several countries. Then intellectual disaster struck. Cantor himself and others, most famously Russell in a ...
theSoviet Unionin 1920 left him with a deep andabidingloathing for Sovietcommunism, which he expressed inThe Practice and Theory of Bolshevism(1920). In 1921 Russell married his second wife, Dora Black, a young graduate of Girton College, Cambridge, with whom he had two children, John and ...
He was initially sympathetic to the Russian Revolution of 1917, but a visit to the Soviet Union in 1920 left him with a deep and abiding loathing for Soviet communism, which he expressed in The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism (1920). In 1921 Russell married his second wife, Dora Black,...