classBERTMLP(nn.Module):'''@功能:继承nn.Module实现一个BERT+MLP的模型,包括__init__与forward两个方法@输入:bert预训练模型、隐藏层大小、标签类别@输出:数据经过模型的计算结果'''def__init__(self,emdeb,hidden_size,num_class):# 对传入模型的参数在__init__时定义super(BERTMLP,self).__init__(...
users after promotional activities.Most of the existing prediction models are supervised learning,which does not work well with a small amount of labeled data.This paper proposes a BERT-MLP prediction model that uses"large-scale data unsupervised pre-training+small amount of labeled data fine-tuning...
Hughbert Jellius “不凡日常”中的Hughbert Jellius 种族陆马 性别雄性 展开更多信息 Hughbert Jellius是一只雄性背景陆马,在“连理风波”和“不凡日常”中均有出场。他在剧中没有名字,但在相关商品中拥有命名。 发展与设计 Hughbert Jellius的体型设计与白马王子、Blue Moon、Dance Fever、Bushel、Chocolate Sun...
Private Score 0.86731 Best Score 0.86731 V11 License This Notebook has been released under the Apache 2.0 open source license. Continue exploring Input1 file arrow_right_alt Output2 files arrow_right_alt Logs15093.2 second run - successful arrow_right_alt Comments0 comments arrow_right_altSyntaxErr...
Input Data sample_submission.csv(1.44 MB) get_app chevron_right Competition Rules To see this data you need to agree to thecompetition rules. Input (148.42 MB) folder Data Sources arrow_drop_down WSDM - Fake News Classification calendar_view_week ...
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