Keyphrase extraction is a key natural language processing task and has widespread adoption in many information retrieval and text mining applications. In this paper, we construct nine Bert-based Chinese medical keyphrase extraction models enhanced with external features and present a thorough empirical ...
AdaptKeyBERT TLDR;Keyword/keyphrase extraction with zero-shot and few-shot semi-supervised domain adaptation. KeyBERT is a minimal and easy-to-use keyword extraction technique that leverages BERT embeddings to create keywords and keyphrases that are most similar to a document ...
PKE_zh, Python Keyphrase Extraction for zh(chinese).pke_zh实现了多种中文关键词提取算法,包括有监督的WordRank,无监督的TextRank、TfIdf、KeyBert、PositionRank、TopicRank等,扩展性强,开箱即用。GuideFeatures Install Usage Contact ReferencesFeatures有监督方法...