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In particular, we propose our approach using the transformer-based ensemble of COVID-Twitter-BERT (CT-BERT) models. We describe the models used, the ways of text preprocessing and adding extra data. As a result, our best model achieved the weighted F1-score of 98.69 on the test set (the...
Bert Hill Moving & Storage offers trusted services at affordable prices. Westfield, MA and East Granby, CT. Free estimates are available.
In particular, we propose our simple but effective approach using the transformer-based models based on COVID-Twitter-BERT (CT-BERT) with different fine-tuning techniques. As a result, we achieve the F1-Score of 90.94\% with the third place on the leaderboard of this task which attracted ...
这种情况建议你去当地结核病医院就可以了,也可以去大医院的影像科看,结核病医院的话看呼吸科,去大医院影像科看也可以,呼吸科就可以。 患者 今天拍了肺部的ct片,医生说可能是肺结核,明天想去换家医院看看片子可以挂影像科门诊吗(男,28岁) 田城坡医生 ...
张永峰BERT 18-10-15 15:29 来自iPhone客户端 K布列瑟农 布列瑟农艺人:马修连恩 2003年05月01日发行播放 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...Ü 简介: 天下本无事,庸人自扰之 更多a 微关系 他的关注(33) 微博会员小...
荣子帆Bert 21-01-6 21:56 来自iPhone客户端 【生活百科】1鼻子粘膜表现出鼻窦炎和鼻炎过敏。鼻子里的细菌反映出是否肥胖。鼻子的样子可以决定“同伴者气质”。看鼻子可以诊断精神分裂症。酒糟鼻和各种疾病有关。鼻涕色是健康的标志。
Rilbert Peme - Accuse Honestly
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