8. Maragkos , K. E.,P. E. Maravelakis. Extracting primary emotions and topics from the Al-Hayat media centre magazine publications, using topic modelling and lexicon-based approaches[J]. Social Science Computer Review, 2023(5)...
nlpmachine-learningtopictransformerstopic-modelingberttopic-modelssentence-embeddingstopic-modellingldavis UpdatedMar 25, 2025 Python PaddlePaddle/ERNIE Star6.4k Official implementations for various pre-training models of ERNIE-family, covering topics of Language Understanding & Generation, Multimodal Understanding...
topic-modelingberttopic-modellingbert-modelgoogle-bertbert-embeddings UpdatedJun 1, 2021 Jupyter Notebook Susam-Sokagi/Muze-Asistani Star6 Code Issues Pull requests Kişisel Asistanınız ile Yeni Keşiflere Hazır Olun! nlpquestion-answeringbertteknofestbert-modelgoogle-bertacikhackbert-quest...
not-shared 什么都不share是原始bert的模式 对于我来说,之前从来都没接触过parameter sharing,所以我仔细看了一下模型文件modelling.py发现其实很简单,我们只需要把需要parameters sharing的部分,加上with tf.variable_scope(scope的ID, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):就可以重复使用这个scope里面的参数了,那具体如何选择我们sha...
对于我来说,之前从来都没接触过parameter sharing,所以我仔细看了一下模型文件modelling.py发现其实很简单,我们只需要把需要parameters sharing的部分,加上with tf.variable_scope(scope的ID, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):就可以重复使用这个scope里面的参数...
Furthermore, there is a noticeable interest in developing the explainable fake news detectors, both linguistic- and network-based. One of such initiatives is dEFEND42. It utilises co-attention component modelling relations between encoded news sentences and user comments to discover the top-k most ...
4. Evaluation Index Modelling In this paper, the precision, recall, and F1-score are used as the evaluation indexes of this experiment, in which TP represents the number of samples classified and divided correctly; FP refers to the number of samples classified and divided incorrectly; FN stands...
词嵌入相关的参数变化前是变换后的28倍。 以下是code snippet,有删减节选,具体详见modelling.py defembedding_lookup_factorized(...):embedding_table=tf.get_variable(# [vocab_size, embedding_size]name=word_embedding_name,shape=[vocab_size,embedding_size],initializer=create_initializer(initializer_range))....
Updated Jul 16, 2024 Python crypter70 / Topic-Extraction Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests A Machine Learning NLP project to extract research topics based on publication titles using KeyBERT unsupervised keyword extraction approach. nltk nlp-machine-learning topic-modelling keybert Updated Jan 25...
gensim - Topic Modelling for Humans. Jieba - Chinese text segmentation. langid.py - Stand-alone language identification system. NLTK - A leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data. Pattern - A web mining module for the Python. polyglot - Natural language pipel...