CodeBERTScore is an Automatic Evaluation Metric for Code, based onBERTScore. This repository is based on the code ofBERTScore, and we are grateful to the authors for releasing their code. April 2023- CodeBERTScore is now available onpypi, which means that you can simplypip install code-ber...
bert_score bert_score_cli example Demo.ipynb hyps.txt hyps_long.txt refs.txt refs2.txt refs_long.txt get_rescale_baseline journal reproduce tests tune_layers .gitignore .travis.yml LICENSE bert_score.png requirements.txt upload_pypi.shBreadcrumbs bert_...
> -d '{"id": 111,"texts": ["总的来说,这款手机性价比是特别高的。","槽糕的售后服务!!!店大欺客"], "is_tokenized": false}' {"id":111,"result":[{"pred_label":["1","-1"],"score":[0.9974544644355774,0.9961422085762024]}],"status":200} 1. 2. 3. 可以看到对应的两个评论,预测...
precision = precision_score(true_labels, predictions, average= 'weighted' )recall = recall_score(true_labels, predictions, average= 'weighted' )f1 = f1_score(true_labels, predictions, average= 'weighted' ) print ( f'precision: {precision} ' ) print ( f'recall: {recall} ' ) print ( f...
keras_bert import load_trained_model_from_checkpoint, Tokenizerfrom keras_self_attention import SeqSelfAttentionfrom sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score# 线下0.9552568091358987 batch = 16 交叉熵 1e-5 线上 0.96668# 线下0.9603767202619631 batch = 16 在上一步基础上用f1loss 不调bert层 1e-7 线上...
seq_relationship_score = model( input_ids = input_ids, token_type_ids = segment_ids, attention_mask = input_mask, masked_positions = masked_lm_positions, ) #prediction_scores为MLM任务的预测,seq_relationship_score为NSP任务的预测 masked_lm_scale = len(masked_lm_positions) loss = criterion( ...
# 任务Pipeline封装了常见任务的常用步骤 from transformers import pipeline # 情感分析Pipeline classifier = pipeline('sentiment-analysis') # 进行情感分析 result = classifier('We are very happy to introduce pipeline to the transformers repository.') print(result) #[{'label': 'POSITIVE', 'score': 0....
F1-Score—A harmonic average of the precision (p) and recall scores (r), defined as the equation (8)61. $$\begin{aligned} F_1=2\cdot \frac{r\cdot p}{r+p} \end{aligned}$$ (8) Classification results Table1shows the results for BERT-based fake news detector and Bidirectional LSTM...