ERNIE-Search: Bridging Cross-Encoder with Dual-Encoder via Self On-the-fly Distillation for Dense Passage Retrieval Document Ranking with a Pretrained Sequence-to-Sequence Model A Neural Corpus Indexer for Document Retrieval COIL: Revisit Exact Lexical Match in Information Retrieval with Contextualized ...
Existing models propose two methods to obtain initial entity embeddings, obtained through traditional knowledge embedding algorithms, such as TransE used by ERNIE [67] and CokeBERT [90], or through encoding entity descriptions, such as KEPLER [88]. 为了通过实体整合知识,我们需要将实体的知识嵌入集成...
Background Named entity recognition (NER) of electronic medical records is an important task in clinical medical research. Although deep learning combined with pretraining models performs well in recognizing entities in clinical texts, because Chinese electronic medical records have a special text structur...
主要思路是global norm + passage rank + sliding window 实验做的很扎实,从ablation study看这几个tri...
For those with a background in computer vision, this vector hand-off should be reminiscent of what happens between the convolution part of a network like VGGNet and the fully-connected classification portion at the end of the network.
5 0.86684 N/A Bert-base, Bert-wwm-ext, ERNIE Ensemble Learning 6 0.86521 N/A Bert-base Ensemble Learning 7 0.8641 TFIDF Bert-base, Roberta-wwm Tsinghua open source thesaurus 6. Conclusion In this paper, a text matching method was proposed based on BERT and boosted tree models. Compared ...
为了合并三元组,我们可以将三元组附加到文本中的适当位置,如K-BERT[69]、ERNIE 3.0[91]、Zhang等人[11]和Bian等人[92],或者将它们的嵌入集成到文本嵌入中,如Liu等人[93]。更多细节见4.2节。 Subgraphs. Knowledge subgraphs are part of knowledge graphs that take entities as nodes and relationships as edges...
NoNorm(h)=γ◦h +β(1)其中γ,β ∈和〇表示Hadamard积。注意,即使在测试模式下,NoNorm...
Thus, optimization can be achieved by modifying the pre-training tasks, e.g., specific models include ERNIE [11] and SpanBERT [12]. Optimizing training methods. BERT models face challenges of insufficient training data and inadequate training. To address these issues, optimization can be done ...
ERNIE-Search: Bridging Cross-Encoder with Dual-Encoder via Self On-the-fly Distillation for Dense Passage Retrieval Document Ranking with a Pretrained Sequence-to-Sequence Model A Neural Corpus Indexer for Document Retrieval COIL: Revisit Exact Lexical Match in Information Retrieval with Contextualized ...