Orange and yellow paint White, black, orange, and red paper Black marker Scissors/Glue Start by cutting your two plates in the shape of Ernie and Bert's faces. Paint them orange and yellow, let dry. While those are drying cut out hair, eyes, ears (with the extra paper plate pieces),...
自18年底谷歌BERT问世以后,NLP便逐渐步入bert时代,bert家族儿孙满堂,如RoBERTa、ALBert、ERNIE等等,这些bert们正在给并持续给nlp领域输入无限生机,让人工智能皇冠上的明珠更加光彩夺目,在其光芒的照耀下,人类的人工智能之路必定越来越清晰、明朗。 通过阅读大量博客资料,知乎专栏和论文,文本以通俗易懂而不失专业的方式总...