Berserk of Gluttony(2023–2023) TV-14 TV Series|24 min|Animation, Action, Fantasy Edit pageAdd to list Track Fate Graphite is cursed with the skill "Gluttony". He is starving until the day he kills a thief and devours the man's strength and his soul. The true hunger of Fate's Glutto...
The centre piece of any anime is its cast of characters that drives the plot and draws the audience into it. Would you like to add the characters for the anime “Berserk of Gluttony?” We have a special section for characters and a dedicated team for it, which will help you if the ne...
Watch Berserk of Gluttony Devouring, on Crunchyroll. After forcing his way into the Domain of E, Fate must face Northern and the Divine Dragon as they move to kill Roxy. As Fate pushes the limits of his newfound power, Gluttony threatens to overwhelm him
别名:暴食的巴萨卡/暴食的狂战士/Berserk of Gluttony / 暴食狂战士~唯有我突破了所谓「等级」的概念~ / 暴食のベルセルク~俺だけレベルという概要を突発する~年份: 2023 备注: PV 标签:热血/战斗/日本 - 阿友追番一10月新番出要的私于20230919发布在抖音,
Watch Berserk of Gluttony Trap, on Crunchyroll. An excursion to gather materials for gear upgrades leads Fate to a chance encounter with Roxy once more. Powerful monsters seem to be exhibiting unusual behavior, and derelict chimera shells litter the Grea
Berserk of Gluttony,Vol. 1is the first entry to an action-fantasy light novel series with corrupt holy knights, talking blades, and an insatiable thirst for souls! All his life, Fate has been put down for his ‘garbage’ skill, Gluttony, until a fateful encounter with Roxy – the holy ...
荼蘼叶Shmily创建的收藏夹荼蘼叶Shmily内容:Berserk of Gluttony「AMV」- Give Me Darkness,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
原作:一色一凛 导演:柳泽哲也 制作:A・C・G・T 主演:逢坂良太、关智一、东城日沙子、...
在线看Boushoku no Berserk chapter 1-51 reaction #.. 4小时 38分钟 44秒。19 9月 2023的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册!
Watch Berserk of Gluttony Roxy's Inspection, on Crunchyroll. Rumors of scores of slaughtered monsters start to circulate throughout the capital, drawing the attention of the holy knights. Fate gets conscripted to take part in a secret mission with Roxy a