⏩Bernard-Soulier syndrome (BSS) also known as Hemorrhagiparous thrombocytic dystrophy, is a hereditary bleeding disorder affecting the megakaryocyte/platelet lineage and characterized by bleeding tendency, giant blood platelets and low platelet counts.⠀...
Bernard-Soulier syndrome (BSS), also known as Hemorrhagiparous thrombocytic dystrophy, is a hereditary bleeding disorder affecting the megakaryocyte/platelet lineage and characterized by bleeding tendency, giant blood platelets and low platelet counts. This syndrome is extremely rare as only ~100 cases...
During treatment, she developed massive vaginal bleeding, because of drug interaction between rifampin and low dose contraceptive (LD), which she had been taking for control of massive menstrual bleeding. Her vaginal bleeding was controlled by platelet infusion and recombinant factor 7 infusion. ...
伯纳德-苏利耶综合征是英文疾病名称Bernard-Soulier syndrome)的中文翻译。又叫巨血小板综合征。患者有中到重度的出血,以皮肤黏膜自发性出血为主,如瘀点、瘀斑、鼻出血、牙龈出血、胃肠道出血、月经过多等征状。 什么样的人应当做伯纳德-苏利耶综合征(Bernard-Soulier syndrome)基因解码? 伯纳德-苏利耶综合征(Bernard...
Bernard-Soulier综合征(血小板功能异常)是英文Bernard-Soulier syndrome的中文翻译。这一疾病又叫做;巨大血小板综合征,BSS。该病是一种基因病、遗传病。佳学基因通过基因解码找到了导致这一疾病发生的基因。可以通过基因检测阻止Bernard-Soulier综合征(血小板功能异常)在后代或者二胎中的出现。根据《人的基因序列变化与人体...
This activity reviews the evaluation and treatment of Bernard-Soulier syndrome and highlights the role of the interprofessional healthcare team in evaluating and managing patients with this condition. Clinicians participating in this activity will gain an understanding of the defect in the GPIb-IX-V co...
Bhatt A, Chenoy R. Menorrhagia due to Bernard-Soulier syn- drome and its successful treatment by thermal balloon endometrial ablation. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 2001;108(6):667-668.Bhatt A, Chenoy R. Menorrhagia due to Bernard-Soulier syndrome and its successful treatment by thermal balloon ...
... 伯-霍二氏综合征 bernard-horner syndrome 伯-苏氏综合征 bernard-soulier syndrome 伯纳尔氏管 bernards duc…www.juyy.net|基于1 个网页 3. 柏立耳索学耶氏症后群 如患上魏白兰特公爵因子缺乏症(von Willebrand's disease)、尿毒症(Uremia)、柏立耳索学耶氏症后群(Bernard-Soulier syndrom…www.hkmedlab....
Bernard-Soulier Syndrome is an autosomal recessively transmitted disorder characterized by the absence of glycoprotein Ib/IX (GPIb/IX), which binds von Willebrand Factor (vWF), resulting in defective...Lambert M. SurhoneMariam T. TennoeSusan F. Henssonow...
Bernard-Soulier syndrome (bĕr-năr′sool-yā′) [Jean A. Bernard, Fr. hematologist, 1907-2006; Jean-Pierre Soulier, Fr. hematologist, 1915-2003] An autosomal recessive bleeding disorder marked by an inherited deficiency of a platelet glycoprotein. The platelets are large. Bleeding results ...