BVG Tickets: Bus & Bahn Berlin评分及评论 4.5(满分 5 分) 1,336 个评分 Rachelinromevisiting,2023/11/05 Wonderful app! This app is a lifesaver! I made an account and set it up with PayPal. Now whenever I need a ticket, I just take out my smartphone. No need to waste time going to...
DEIN S-BAHN-TICKET FÜR BERLIN Am besten entdeckt man Berlin mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln. Ein hervorragendes S- und U-Bahn-Netz in Berlin bringt Dich zusammen mit perfekt abgestimmten Straßenbahn- und Buslinien in alle Ecken und Winkel Berlins. Mit der Berlin CityTourCard, ...
5.Re: 49 euro ticket or BVG pass? 1 year ago >My wife and I were concerned about what might happen if one of our phones were low on battery. For example, if my Deutschland-Ticket was just on my phone, and if my battery was too low, I would not be able to show proof of havin...
He also spent a lot of his own time trying to help us with a problem we had with our BVG tickets. Our driver was also very nice and helpfull. Thank you Winfried, we hope to meet you again in Berlin. Read more Written October 28, 2024 slibber 0 contributions Thorough look at...
For example, a ticket to Brandenburg Airport is 4.40 EUR. You can purchase tickets on the platform or via the BVG app. Always keep your ticket on you as random checks on the train are common. A day ticket with unlimited travel in Zones AB (Berlin city proper) costs 9.90 EUR, and a ...
2025: Berlin Public Transportation Bus and Trains Ticket Prices Berlin public transportation prices in 2025 are as follows: Note: Single tickets are valid for 120 minutes, transfers are allowed but no return or circular journeys. A Kurzstrecke (€2.60) is valid for 3 train or 6 bus s...
BVG made our Berlin visit a total success. The planner function worked every time. Ticket purchases were a snap. Timetables were accurate (and, of course, the trains, trams, and busses were always on time). I think we might have missed some of the sites and attractions without the BVG ...
NEU: Hol dir das neue Deutschlandticket bei der BVG Ab sofort kannst du das neue Deutschlandticket auf unserer Website bestellen. Das Ticket kostet 58 € im Monat und ist im Abo als persönliche Zeitkarte ohne Übertragbarkeit erhältlich. Mit dem Deutschlandticket kannst du alle öffen...
More information about fares, network maps and ticket options is available atthe BVG official website. Traveling at night If ever there was a city where public transportation works perfectly at night, Berlin is it. No matter what time it is, there is always a way to get around. ...
Weltall Erde Mensch (“Space Earth Human”)Photo: Thomas Aurin On the more hopeful end of the spectrum, the Deutsches Theatre has inaugurated the new intendancy of Iris Laufenberg with a performance full of utopian yearning:Weltall Erde Mensch(“Space Earth Human”). The science fiction fant...