简介: Linux必知词汇:BSD许可 BSD(Berkeley Software Distribution license) BSD许可证(Berkeley Software Distribution license),是自由软件(开源软件的一个子集)中使用最广泛的许可证之一。BSD软件就是遵照这个许可证来发布,该许可证也因此而得名。 BSD套件最初所有者是加州大学的董事会,这是由于BSD源自柏克莱加州大学...
BSD License 授权条款之名源自柏克莱软体散布授权条款(Berkeley Software Distribution license),关於更多 BSD License …furnacedigital.blogspot.com|基于3个网页 2. 柏克莱软体套件授权 「BSD 授权」(BSD License) 意指柏克莱软体套件授权 (Berkeley Software Distribution License),该授权是针对原始的柏克莱 …www.intel...
并建立了相应的NPL(Netscape Public License)证书,象征着开源生产方式本身获得了传统的接纳;而微软在一份名为《开源:一种新的开发方法论?》的内部文件中明确提出“为了战胜开源,必须理解我们的竞争对手是一个生产过程而非一个
Thesoftware is released under the new BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) license,which allows integration into other open source projects as well as commercialproducts. An educational workshop with talks and exercises was offered to users fromCalifornia and similar workshops are planned for the ...
The following is the license that applies to this copy of the Berkeley DB software. For a license to use the Berkeley DB software under conditions other than those described here, or to purchase support for this software, please contactberkeleydb-info_us@oracle.com. ...
(for example, using the POSIX cp, tar, or pax utilities for hot backups), resulting in better integration into the local environment. This is also an advantage for the 3rd party software vendors that license DB, as they don't want to require non-standard archival procedures or tools or ...
The Berkeley DB project began with the modest goal of replacing the in-memoryhsearchhash package and the on-diskdbm/ndbmhash packages with a new and improved hash implementation able to operate both in-memory and on disk, as well as be freely redistributed without a proprietary license. Thehas...
Briefly, the terms governing the use and distribution of Berkeley DB are: • your application must be internal to your site, or • your application must be freely redistributable in source form, or • you must get a license from us. For customers who prefer not to distribute Open ...
license: content: CC-BY-4.0 jupyter: lite: true abbreviations: CDSS: College of Computing, Data Science, and Society toc: - file: index.md - title: Team Compass children: - file: team/github.md - file: team/calendar.md - file: team/communication.md - title: Computing Infrastructure chil...
License The story:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Berkeley_Software_Distribution#4.4BSD_and_descendants Downloaded from: ftp://alge.anart.no/pub/BSD/4.4BSD-Lite/4.4BSD-Lite2.tar.gz Documentation User's Supplementary Documents ...