I think 15 feels like a pretty healthy number for us. We may move it up to 20 if we see qualified candidates in and around that space. We probably won’t move it beyond that. We have a successful joint degree already with our MBA/MPH, which is a master’s in public health. That...
对于老外来说,没有太大区别;我自己的感受:"北清复交"可能会有一些优势,但也并非压倒性优势;举例如果申请人来自非北、清的学校,有较好的GPA,GMAT也还不错,这样可以给Admissions一个印象,申请人已经通过标准化的考试,能够达到跟全球、全国的申请者类似的水平;我觉得就足够了。 总结:我觉得essay和工作经验放在第一...