白令海大吸金(英语:Bering Sea Gold),为美国制作公司Original Productions为探索频道制播的真人实境节目...
Chris McCully pushes his fancy new equipment to the brink. Vernon and his rookie diver clash. A frozen regulator threatens Andy's life. Shawn casts a wide net to get his season going finally.← Previous Episode Next Episode → The Latest BERING SEA GOLD's Emily Riedel is Expecting!
白令海大吸金 第一季 Bering Sea Gold Season 1的剧照按喜欢排序 · 按尺寸排序 · 按时间排序 1280x720 1280x720 1280x720 1280x720 1280x720 1280x720 1280x720 1280x720 + 上传剧照&海报&壁纸 > 全部图片 剧照(8) 截图(8) 海报(1) 壁纸(0) > 去 白令海大吸金 第一季 的页面 ...
bering sea gold基本解释 白令海峡淘金;白令海大吸金 分词解释 Bering白令(Vitus, 1680-1741,丹麦航海家,白令海及白令海峡的发现者) sea海 gold金,黄金猜你喜欢 golden boy大受欢迎(或十分成功)的人 golden key贿赂(金) goldbach conjecture哥德巴赫猜想 goldman sachs高盛 wow gold魔兽世界金币 buy wow gold ...
白令海大吸金(英语:Bering Sea Gold),是美国制作公司Original Productions为探索频道制播的真人实境节目,纪录一群人在美国阿拉斯加州诺姆市近郊海岸的淘金情形,据估计阿拉斯加州当地蕴藏着总价值约2500亿美元的黄金。 现在又是一个金价大涨的时代,黄金的价格已经来到有史以来从未有的高点,使得阿拉斯加州诺姆市掀起一股淘金...
IMDb6.7 简介 Each season of the show follows a different group of dredgers, those who search for gold in shallow waters, at the bottom of the sea or even ocean. They often collect paydirt, ground from the seabed that contains some precious ore....
摘要: With Thom Beers, Zeke Tenhoff, Emily Riedel, Vernon Adkison. Check out the new season of Bering Sea Gold, Fridays at 10PM E/P. With Scott MIA, Vernon hires the ANGER MANAGEMENT crew who are sitting dead in the water, but his own crew -- and daughter -- are also MIA.收藏...
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简介 This special previews the upcoming summer season of Bering Sea Gold. The crews are back with new dredges, new divers, and something to prove. Some will find their fortune. But for others, old hostilities and new frustrations will make tragedy inevitable....