尽管该公司称BeoPlay H4能产生其标志性的声音,但该耳机与它一贯的中性姿态有很大不同。 richersounds.com 网站评测观点如下: 一周前刚买的。我不得不买了一个蓝牙发射器,将手机与我的放大器配对,这很容易连接,也很有效。在使用蓝牙发射器时,有轻微的,甚至是微不足道的干扰声,但它仍然是... productreview....
B&O Beoplay H4 headphones combine Bluetooth listening with premium design Sony WH-1000XM4 wireless noise-canceling headphones review Reader comments ? Anonymous 6wN 27 Mar 2021 Are you kidding me? It is extremely expensive and offers nothing special. Reply ? Anonymous ...
Write a review Design weight 280 g 255 g We consider a lower weight better because lighter devices are more comfortable to carry. A lower weight is also an advantage for home appliances, as it makes transportation easier, and for many other types of products. ...
Nick Vega