Chengdu to Lhasa, Tibet in the long journey of the nearly 4,000 kilometres, through the bentengpaoxiao of jinsha River, Lancang and nu River, through the tempered the Hengduan mountain range to reach "South Tibet"--spreading, even reached the day, purging of the Yarlung zangbo River. 翻译...
海水奔腾咆哮改为比喻句 倾注的解释及造句 2020-10-20 倾注拼音 【注音】: qing zhu 倾注解释 【意思】:(1)由上而下地流入:一股泉水~到深潭里。(2)(感情、力量、精力等)集中到一个目标上:他把毕生精力~在革命事业上。 倾注造句: 1、山涧向河里倾注。 2、她把全部的爱都倾注在孩子身上。 3、她把...