Apply as supplier for BENTELER Automotive Components / BENTELER Automotive Modules Recommended as supplier for BENTELER Steel/Tube GmbH & CO. KG General terms and conditions Purchasing conditions of BENTELER Automotive Components / BENTELER Automotive Modules ...
This plant in Northwest Louisiana is our first location in the US to focus on steel/tube production and is our headquarters for the Steel/Tube division. The clients of our new plant in this region not only include well-known names from the automotive industry, but also companies from the ...
本特勒携手thyssenkrupp Steel ,共同致力于气候保护。我们从thyssenkrupp采购低碳环保钢材用于汽车零部件的生产。此外,我们还与bluemint® 钢材公司达成合作,未来将继续加强促进降低碳排放。本特勒还将继续加强在绿色氢气以及绿电方面的努力,完成低碳减排的目标。 本特勒位于德国Lingen的绿色钢材工厂比传统的高炉钢可减少75%的...
The company offers a range of products including stainless steel tubes, components, and complex assemblies, with a focus on custom manufacturing to meet specific customer requirements. fischer Group primarily serves sectors such as the automotive industry, various industrial sectors, and the trade ...
-Benteler Steel/Tube GmbH-HOLON GmbH(*)-Benteler Mechanical Engineering-Benteler Glass Processing Steel/Tube -自動車用配管、産業機器・発電所用配管を開発・製造・販売-売上は全体の約17.1% (2023) (*) 旧Benteler EV Systems GmbH。主要業務は自動運転車および自動運転プラットフォームの開発...
-Benteler Steel/Tube GmbH-HOLON GmbH(*)-Benteler Mechanical Engineering-Benteler Glass Processing Steel/Tube -自動車用配管、産業機器・発電所用配管を開発・製造・販売-売上は全体の約17.1% (2023) (*) 旧Benteler EV Systems GmbH。主要業務は自動運転車および自動運転プラットフォームの開発...
In the 2018 financial year, Group revenues were €8.072 billion. Under the management of the strategic holding BENTELER International AG, headquartered inSalzburg, Austria, the Group is organized into the Divisions BENTELER Automotive and BENTELER Steel/Tube. Our around 30,000 employees at 96 loc...
Google LLC, USA All Detailsto Google Analytics(via Google Tag Manager) Switch to accept or reject the service Google Analytics(via Google Tag Manager) Other content(3 Services) Integration of additional information Switch to accept or reject the category Other content ...
Google LLC, USA Alle Detailszu Google Analytics(via Google Tag Manager) Switch zum Einwilligen bzw. Ablehnen des Dienstes Google Analytics(via Google Tag Manager) Sonstige Inhalte(3 Dienste) Einbindung zusätzlicher Informationen Switch zum Einwilligen bzw. Ablehnen der Kategorie Sonstige Inhalte...
Southfield, Michigan, USA +1-248-327-6987 メキシコ León Guanajuato,Mexico +52-477-796-0560 ドイツ Frankfurt am Main, Germany +49-69–904-3870-0 中国 〒200001 上海市黄浦区 ...