Ferrocene and uranocene are examples of linear sandwich complexes, that is, those in which the (ring centroid)-M-(ring centroid) angle (denoted θ) is 180 degree. In the case of (η-CH)M chemistry, a number of bent (θ < 180degree) complexes are known when M is a main-group or ...
(18)° consistent with sp2 hybridization at the N‐atom while IR spectroscopy reveals an atypically broadened isocyanide stretch at νCNR=1981 cm1; taken together these metrics are demonstrative of the excellent donor ability of the dianionic penta‐carbene framework and point ...
Chemistry - A European JournalGrahamDepartmentJ.DepartmentBodwellDepartmentJohnDepartmentN.DepartmentBridsonDepartmentTomDepartmentJ.DepartmentHoughtonDepartmentJasonDepartmentW.DepartmentJ.DepartmentKennedyDepartmentandDepartmentMichaelDepartmentR.DepartmentMannionDepartment...
Ferrocene and uranocene are examples of linear sandwich complexes, that is, those in which the (ring centroid)-M-(ring centroid) angle (denoted {theta}) is 180{degree}. In the case of ({eta}{sup 5}-C{sub 5}H{sub 5}){sub 2}M chemistry, a number of bent ({theta} < 180{...
Centre of Advanced Research in Bionanoconjugates and Biopolymers, Romanian Academy Petru Poni (PP) Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, 700487 Iasi, Romania * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Crystals2023,13(4), 583;https://doi.org/10.3390/cryst13040583 ...
This geometry enables the capture of a larger X-ray beam cross-section (thereby, a larger solid angle) compared to, e.g., Kirkpatrick–Baez (KB) mirrors or side-by-side Montel mirrors [18,19,31]. Some of the well-known mosaic graphite optics (GrO) today include highly oriented ...