新品发售:BenQ 明基 Zowie Gear XL2746S 27英寸TN电竞显示器 (240Hz、0.5ms、DyAc技术)AI购买建议: 高刷新率、超低延迟、DYAC黑科技、舒适度好、多向调节、适合高品质游戏体验。适用于电竞爱好者和职业玩家。价格较高,需谨慎考虑是否值得投资。注意了解交易地点和保修等信息,确保购买安全。 查看全部 Powered by ...
亚马逊镇店之宝价2549.32元,领取prime会员专属红包1000-50含税2731.31,27英寸 电竞显示器 240hz/0.5ms/DyAc+技术 CSGO/吃鸡/永劫无间游戏电脑显示器 XL2746s 订单截图 1 好价信息中“价格标签”及“比价结果”均为系统自动计算生成,详情请查看功能说明。
Re: BENQ Zowie XL2746SPost by Dirty Scrubz » 21 Jan 2020, 17:10 Here's a translated review that went up today of the XL2746: https://translate.google.com/translate? ... w/57666851# Pertinent points: 1. Input lag: 2-3 ms at 240 Hz 2. Peak luminance: ~360 nits 3. Contrast...
The BenQ ZOWIE XL2566K is the flagship model in BenQ's ZOWIE lineup of gaming monitors, sitting above the BenQ ZOWIE XL2546K. It uses a TN panel designed to deliver the best gaming experience possible, and it's one of the only monitors on the market that offers a customizable overdrive...
BenQ 明基 Zowie XL2746S 27英寸 240Hz 游戏显示器(DJ Ac+,黑色电子质量,0.5毫秒响应时间)2731.31元什么值得买甄选出亚马逊海外购优惠促销商品,包括BenQ/明基报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。