Perhaps the most unique quality of the W1070 is 3D compatibility, which is something normally not found on home video projectors. While 3D is certainly appealing to many projector buyers, it is hard to square the W1070's 3D compatibility with its intended use as a living room projector. How...
The W1500 has a longer zoom range than the W1070 as well. Its 1.6:1 lens will produce a 100" diagonal image from 7' 9" to 12' 5" throw distance, while the W1070's 1.3:1 lens will project an image of the same size from 8' 4" to 10' 11". This means the W1500 is capable...
与W1700一样,TK800 在原生1080p模式下具有3D功能,这是这两款型号与其它几款低于2000美元的4K投影机之间的主要区别之一。对于那些拥有1080p HD分辨率3D光盘的人来说,这是一个受欢迎的功能。 TK800的重量为9.3磅(注:4.2公斤),因此它足够便携,可用于后院电影之夜或其它可移动应用。它具有比平均水平更好的机载...
You also get a12-volt trigger, which is a feature beginning to show up on more sub-$1000 home theater models these days. Projection options.For those new to projectors, virtually all projectors are made with the ability to project upright from a coffee table, inverted in a ceiling mount, ...
This year, BenQ has released a pair of full 3D 1080p projectors that are just perfect for home video or home theater. The W1070, reviewed earlier this year, has a conventional 1.3:1 lens and some vertical lens shift. TheBenQ W1080ST, on the other hand, has a 1.2:1 short throw lens...