那么他们有何异同呢,哪个更*** 熟悉大佬用过的大佬来搞一搞 12118 采集卡吧 rehatman 明基RL2460显示器接PS4 HDMI输出 显示器带HDMI环出接MPB730HDMI明基RL2460(1080P)24英寸显示器 接PS4输出后 显示器带HDMI环出(相当于少用一个1进2出HDMI分配器 可以显示器玩游戏 电脑做直播)接台湾UPMOST MPB730HDMI ...
For those that have used the RL2455HM and RL2460HT gaming monitors, you will be extremely familiar with the OSD, as it’s a modified version of the same design. Most of the modifications are a result of the new features present in the XL2430T. The first menu tree consists of Blur Re...