MS560/BS2800/MX560 Thescreenaspectratiois4:3andtheprojectedpictureisina4:3aspectratio ●Tooptimizeyourprojectionquality,wesuggestyoudotheprojectionwithinnon-grayarea. ●Allmeasurementsareapproximateandmayvaryfromtheactualsizes. BenQrecommendsthatifyouintendtopermanentlyinstalltheprojector,youshouldphysicallytestthe ...
在实际使用环境中,投影仪的亮度对于投射效果的影响很大,这也直接影响着消费者的使用体验。针对这一现象,明基持续进行技术与功能的突破,推出全新升级的M560系列高亮商务投影仪MX560/MH560,亮度高至4000流明,为消费者带来优质的观看体验。 明基M560系列商务投影仪在外观上与时俱进,采用极简美学设计,线条简约流畅,机身纯白...
AL Series Lamp & Housing for The BenQ W6000 Projector - 90 Day Warranty Free shipping, arrivesin 3+ days Only 4 left Jaspertronics OEM Lamp & Housing for The BenQ MX525A Projector 240 Day Warranty $6899 current price $68.99 $68.99/count ...
适用于明基BENQ投影仪投影机遥控器 MS550 MX550 MW550 MS560 宁波市鸿扬电子商务有限公司 3年 回头率: 52.3% 浙江 宁波市 ¥35.00 全新适用 RC02 For Benq Projector Remote Control 遥控器 天长市声宝电器有限公司 3年 回头率: 17.6% 安徽 天长市 ¥4.20 万全通用投影仪机遥控器能通用爱普生...
BenQ LW500 Projector (2000 lm) Portable Projector White ₹85,000 Free delivery Only few left Add to Compare BenQ EX 68.58 cm (27 inch) Quad HD LED Backlit IPS Pane... AMD Free Sync, Response Time: 5 ms, 144 Hz Refresh Rate 4.6(34) ₹19,999 ₹44,990 55% off Free delivery ...
When inactive, BenQ business projectors keep power consumption to a minimum with 0.5W standby power, maximizing energy savings when the projector is connected but not in use. Specifications Projection system: DLP Native resolution: XGA, 1024 x 768 Resolution support: VGA(640 x 480) to WUXGA...
The BenQ MX570 Projector is a XGA Portable Projector. This lamp based projector is capable of displaying 3,200 Lumens at its brightest setting with a native resolution of 1024x768 , and is 3D capable. The internal DLP technology touts higher contrast, less visible pixels and more portability....
BenQ MX825STH Resolution:1024x768 DLP Brightness:3500 Lumens (ANSI) Light Source:Bulb Throw Distance:1.2 m at Image Size:254 cm $609 May 2021 Model View Projector ViewSonic PA503X Resolution:1024x768 DLP Brightness:3600 Lumens (ANSI)
benq(明基)是数字时尚领导品牌,创立于1984年,业务涵盖数字媒体、计算机系统、网络通信及3C数字整合等领域,产品包括显示屏、投影仪、电脑等。 benq是什么牌子 benq(明基)是数字时尚领导品牌,创立于1984年,业务涵盖数字媒体、计算机系统、网络通信及3C数字整合等领域,产品包括显示屏、投影仪、电脑等。明基成立初期,以电脑...
入门级商务机代表产品 明基BenQ MX661 展现细微的工程高端 明基BenQ TH9416 中小空间的超值选择 明基BenQ TW519 明基投影机产品及售后服务咨询 明基中国营销总部 电话:0512-68078800, 0512-65100318(服务中心) 0512-65100171(服务中心) 传真:0512-68259121 68078800-2299,68091921 地址:江苏省苏州市新区狮山路268号...