method指定矫正用的方法。可以用的方法可以通过运行“p.adjust.methods ”来查看,有: Bonferroni correction ("bonferroni") ,Holm (1979) ("holm"), Hochberg (1988) ("hochberg"), Hommel (1988) ("hommel") and Benjamini & Hochberg (1995) ("fdr"或“BH”) n为比较次数 实例: # BH方法p<-c(0.020...
Oracle Group Benjamini-Hochberg CorrectionKris Sankaran
66Citations Definition The Benjamini–Hochberg method controls the False Discovery Rate (FDR) using sequential modifiedBonferroni correctionformultiple hypothesis testing. While theBonferroni correctionrelies on the Family Wise Error Rate (FWER), Benjamini and Hochberg introduced the idea of a FDR to cont...
FDR is generally a somewhat less conservative/more powerful method for correcting for multiple comparisons than procedures like Bonferroni correction that provide strong control of the family-wise error rate (i.e., the probability that one or more null hypotheses are mistakenly rejected). This ...
Figure 1 – Benjamini-Hochberg test Since the largest p-value for whichpi< (i/k)αisi= 5 (i.e.p5=.03329 < .041667), we conclude thatall but test 6 (i.e. C) are significant. This approach is more powerful than those considered previously; i.e. it accepts more r...
I am using the following tech note for FDR correction implementation: although it provides the technical basis for the correction, it does not offer any theoretical background. Does anybody have some info regarding the rationale behind the BH FDR? any theoretical resources?
even if those p-values are lower than the critical values. For example, Obesity and Other Health are individually, not significant when you compare the result to the final column (e.g. .039 > .03). However, with the B-H correction, they are considered significant; in other words, you...
Moreover, article [12] shows that no correction of the standard methods is needed in certain cases even when there is some degree of dependence among the tests. See Section 5 for more information and related work. Calculating the statistical power, that is the probability of correctly rejecting...
Moreover, article [12] shows that no correction of the standard methods is needed in certain cases even when there is some degree of dependence among the tests. See Section 5 for more information and related work. Calculating the statistical power, that is the probability of correctly rejecting...
Moreover, article [12] shows that no correction of the standard methods is needed in certain cases even when there is some degree of dependence among the tests. See Section 5 for more information and related work. Calculating the statistical power, that is the probability of correctly rejecting...