Zephaniah, who died on Thursday at the age of 65, had many missions in life – some were political and some were personal. But from his troubled childhood onwards, he found power in communicating. Benjamin Zephaniah: The James Brown of dub poetry:https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bi...
Sarka Bubikova
This is a powerful and honest poem that is more than likely a strong reflection of Benjamin Zephaniah’s struggles with racism and stereotyping, which he has famously fought against in his own life. Much of his work has been in favor of equality and social justice, and it makes sense for...
me.Theexperiencereallychangedmylife,butIfoundoutwhomyfriendswereandI gottoknowme. NATALIE Ihatepeoplewhodiscriminate.Ithinkwe’reallequal.ButIhaveambition,Iwant tomakeitbigand,let’sfaceit,I’mtryingtosellanimage.It’snothingpersonal. MATTHEW I’mnoangel,Ijusttrytokeepoutoftrouble.It’sOKtohaveabit...