The Presidency of Benjamin HarrisonReviews the book 'The Presidency of Benjamin Harrison,' by Homer E. Socolofsky and Allan Spetter.HE SocolofskyAB SpetterLibrary Journal
Two years later, voters turned Harrison out of the White House, too. They returned Grover Cleveland to the presidency. Harrison did not express much disappointment. He had worked hard to become president like his grandfather. But he found he did not like being the chief executive. He said wh...
Benjamin Harrison was the 23rd president of the United States (1889–93), a moderate Republican who won an electoral majority while losing the popular vote by more than 100,000. Harrison signed into law the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), the first legisla
Keeping with tradition, neither presidential candidate actively campaigned for the presidency. (Harrison, however, did accept delegations at his Indianapolis home.) The task of generating support fell to a range of surrogates, of which the Republicans could afford far more because of aggressive fundra...
United States presidential election of 1892 was an election held on November 8, 1892, in which Democrat Grover Cleveland defeated Republican incumbent Benjamin Harrison.