Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林 Franklin's parents were both pious1 Puritans. The family attended the old South Church, the most liberal Puritan congregation in Boston, where Benjamin Franklin was baptized in 1706. 富兰克林的双亲皆为虔诚的清教徒,他们加入了波士顿最自由的清教徒们所参加的古老的...
Smita Gandotra
BenjaminFranklin(1706-1790)本杰明.富兰克林 Theoutlineoftheclass HisLifeHisWorks PoorRichard’sAlmanac Autobiography TheStyleofhisworksTheExcerpt Questions ITheLifeofFranklin Afinancialactivity BorninBostonin1706andstartedhiscareerasaprintingboy.At16hebegantopublishessaysunderpseudonym,...
阅读理解。Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers(开创者) of the United States. But all great people were kids once and made mistakes. In writing about his life, Franklin recalled an early event that he later regretted.Benjamin(Ben for short) was born in Boston in 1706. At the...
英文读书报告BENJAMIN FRANKLINTitle of Book:Hero of History: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Live Wire Author’s names: JANET& GEOFF BENGE Summary: This book telling us the life story of Benjamin Franklin in time sequence, how he became a publisher, a writer, a philanthropist, a politician and a scientist...
Free Essay: One could say that Benjamin Franklin created the essence of serving oneself. A man who barely had any schooling was able to teach himself pretty...
文章二 读一读】 Benjamin Franklin A couple of centuries ago, no American was better known in Europe than a portly old man who wore his spectacles on the end of his nose. His name was Benjamin Franklin. The story is about a man who has dedicated his life to keeping Franklin's memory ...
BenjaminFranklin(1706-1790)•美国开国之父华盛顿曾说过一句话:“我一生崇拜的人,只有三个,第一个人是富兰克林,第二个也是富兰克林,第三个人还是富兰克林!”★HeappearsontheAmerican 100dollarbill.Life Born inapoorcandlemaker’sfamilyinBostonNoregulareducationBecameanapprentice学徒ofaprinterwhenhewas...
声音简介 This book tells the life story of Benjamin Franklin, describing the many hats he wore, from inventor to businessman to statesman; the persona he created and his relationships with his wife, his illegitimate son, and his illegitimate grandson. ...
Benjamin Franklin本杰明富兰克林 BenjaminFranklin (1706-1790)Portraits MezzotintofFranklin,Cochin/St.Aubin,1777 PortraitofFranklinbyDavidMartin,1766 HisReputations TheFirstAmericanTheLastUniversalMan Polymath Businessman Writer PrinterScientist Diplomat InventorPhilosopher ModeloftheAmericandream Statesman AmericanDream ...