❖Historicalbackground ❖AmericanPuritanism ❖BenjaminFranklin 第一页,共44页。1.Historicalbackground ❖Originalinhabitants:AmericanIndians.1492,12Oct.--ChristopherColumbusdiscoveredtheAmerica.❖Intheearly16thC.,theothercolonistsarrived:Spanish,French,Dutch,Swedes,Germans,Italians,andPortuguese.❖in1607-...
However, the origins of Valentine’s day are murky and there are only a few historical facts that support the lore. Yeah, Valentine’s day isn’t the day that how we celebrate it nowadays. It was something different back then and has a historical significance attached to it. Valentine’s...
For all of this, the American historical memory can look back with thanks to Benjamin Franklin, a Founding Father in more ways than one. When Thomas Jefferson succeeded Franklin as U.S. ambassador in 1785, the French foreign minister, Charles Gravier, comte de Vergennes. Vergennes ...
Deborah Franklin wanted a real marriage. And when she became pregnant with their first child, near the beginning of 1732, she had reason to hope she might have one. Her husband was thrilled. “A ship under sail and a big-bellied Woman, / Are the handsomest two things that can be seen ...
Tucker also noted that Franklin’s description of his experiment inThe Pennsylvania Gazetteused the future and conditional tense: “As soon as any of the Thunder Clouds come over the Kite, the pointed Wire will draw the Electric Fire from them...” Franklin could have simply been saying that ...
and South Africa are among the countries where the significance of the name is among the highest. According to the historical trends of people looking for their names in the United States, Massachusetts currently holds the number one spot, with Connecticut coming in a close second. The popularity...
1、 The Autobiography徐路村余莹林乐伟怕缇古丽杨世明 Group MemberA. Introduction about Benjamin FranklinB. Information about the Autobiography C. Text comprehensionD. The intention of writingE. Writing stylesF. Characters in the AutobiographyG. Main thoughtsH. Significancecontent Success as an inventor ...
❖Historicalbackground ❖AmericanPuritanism ❖BenjaminFranklin 第一页,共44页。1.Historicalbackground ❖Originalinhabitants:AmericanIndians.1492,12Oct.--ChristopherColumbusdiscoveredtheAmerica.❖Intheearly16thC.,theothercolonistsarrived:Spanish,French,Dutch,Swedes,Germans,Italians,andPortuguese.❖in1607-...
(第一讲)Benjamin-Franklin 1.Historicalbackground ❖Originalinhabitants:AmericanIndians.1492,12Oct.--ChristopherColumbusdiscoveredtheAmerica.❖Intheearly16thC.,theothercolonistsarrived:Spanish,French,Dutch,Swedes,Germans,Italians,andPortuguese.❖in1607---ThefirstpermanentEnglishsettlement:Jamestown,Virginia,by...
(第一讲)Benjamin_Franklin Lecture1 ColonialPeriodtotheRevolution(1607—1800)&BenjaminFranklin Maincontents ❖Historicalbackground❖AmericanPuritanism❖BenjaminFranklin 1.Historicalbackground ❖1492,12Oct.---ChristopherColumbusdiscoveredtheAmerica.Originalinhabitants:AmericanIndians ❖Intheearly16thC.,the...