The article presents the profile of Benjamin Franklin High School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The school has nearly 70 employees including administrative personnel, teachers, counselors, librarians and social workers. It provides its emplo...
When he first arrived in Philadelphia, Franklin had no money and nowhere to stay. While wandering the streets, Franklin met Deborah Read, who welcomed him to stay at her family's home. Deborah's family helped him gain employment, and Franklin went to work for Samuel Keimer, who was just ...
Benjamin Franklin is a 1974 American television miniseries that chronicles the life of Benjamin Franklin. It was broadcast by CBS and won five Primetime Emmy Awards. Approx. run time 360 minutes Genre Biography / Drama Written by Howard Fast Loring Mandel Directed by Glenn Jordan Produced by Lewis...
on pure and applied science, a two million dollar philatelic exhibition, military and naval displays, exhibits contrasting the science of Franklin's time with that of to-day, marked the formal dedication of the Benjamin Franklin Memorial on May 19-21, at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa...
InBenjaminFranklinNationalBenjaminFranklinHighSchool Memorial inNewOrleans Life ❖Borninapoorcandlemaker’sfamilyinBoston ❖Noregulareducation ❖Becameanapprentice学徒ofaprinterwhenhewas12 ❖Aneditorofanewspaperandpublishedlotsofessayswhenhewas16 ❖WenttoPhiladelphiawhenhewas17tomakehisownfortune Life ❖...
Simon Gratz Previous GamesResult Feb 21 vs.West Philadelphia L 52-56 Feb 12 vs.Abraham Lincoln W 64-57 Feb 8 vs.Olney W 63-38 Jan 29 vs.George Washington W 47-45 Jan 24 vs.Robeson Human Services W 63-57See Full Schedule Team Comparison TeamOverallHomeAwayWin % Benjamin Franklin 0-3...
Benjamin Franklin Lesson Plan Objective: To provide high school students with an understanding of the life, achievements, and impact of Benjamin Franklin on American history, science, and literature. Lesson Duration: 60 minutes Lesson Procedure: I. Introduction (10 minutes) A. Begin the lesson ...
and the lightning rod. He made significant contributions to the city of Philadelphia, including helping start the first subscription library, the first city hospital, and the first university in Pennsylvania. Franklin is considered to be one of the Founding Fathers. He helped write and signed the...
Inventor. Diplomat. Scientist. Entrepreneur. Catalyst. Benjamin Franklin was quite a busy man. In his 84 years, he invented, discovered and improved many of the devices and civic institutions that people rely on today. Here’s a look: He invented: Swim f
BenjaminFranklinHighSchool inNewOrleans A4 Life Borninapoorcandlemaker’sfamilyin Boston Noregulareducation Becameanapprentice学徒ofaprinterwhen hewas12 Aneditorofanewspaperandpublishedlots ofessayswhenhewas16 WenttoPhiladelphiawhenhewas17to makehisownfortune ...