Translated into a dozen languages, printed in hundreds of editions, and read by millions of people, Franklin's autobiography has had an influence perhaps unequalled by any other book by an American writer. Written ostensibly as a letter to his son William, the autobiography offers Franklin's re...
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 作者: Benjamin Franklin 出版社: Red and Black Publishers出版年: 2009-1-2页数: 176定价: USD 12.99装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9781934941430豆瓣评分 8.4 47人评价 5星 38.3% 4星 42.6% 3星 17.0% 2星 2.1% 1星 0.0% ...
内容简介· ··· This newly edited Norton Critical Edition includes an introduction explaining the history of the Autobiography. The text, written during the most eventful years of Benjamin Franklin's life (1771-1790), is accompanied by new and expanded annotations, a map, an illustration and ...
Benjamin Franklin was a writer, a philosopher, a scientist, a politician, a patriot, a Founding Father, an inventor, and publisher. He helped with the founding of the United States of America and changed the world with his discoveries about electricity. His writings such as Poor Richards' Alm...
Benjamin Franklins Autobiography, typical of an Enlightenment man, illustrates the common intellectual and existential climate of the age. To the vision of the New World, still nebulous in the minds of many European contemporaries, Franklin, the product and the maker of his age, responded with a...
2、《The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin》为了唤起残存的阅读记忆,这次阅读英文版,选择外研社的双语版本。本书中,富兰克林以拉家常的方式,把自己成功的经验和失败的教训娓娓道来,整部自传既无哗众取宠之状,也无盛气凌人之势,在通俗易懂的叙述中不仅有睿智和哲理的火花,鼓舞了几代美国人,也开创了美国传记...
《正版现货 富兰克林自传 英文原版书 The Autobiography benjamin franklin 全英文版 本杰明 进口英语书籍》,作者:正版现货 富兰克林自传 英文原版书 The Autobiography benjamin franklin 全英文版 本杰明 进口英语书籍Benjamin Franklin 著,出版社:Bantam,ISBN:97805
富兰克林的《自传》Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography BenjaminFranklin:TheAutobiography ForwhatpurposedidhewritehisAutobiography?1,DearSon,IhaveeverhadaPleasureinobtaininganylittleAnecdotesofmyAncestors.YoumayremembertheEnquiriesImadeamongtheRemainsofmyRelationswhenyouwerewithmeinEngland;andthejourneyItookforthatpurpose....
富兰克林自传(Benjamin. the autobiography of benjamin franklin) 本杰明。富兰克林自传(Benjamin. the autobiography of benjamin franklin) His autobiography is my struggle, and that seems to be his brother's printed newspaper article, in short, things seem to be a little bit different from what you ...
《 富兰克林自传》 一生一帆风顺 自传 (一七七一年写于都怀福德村圣阿萨夫教堂主教家中) 我儿: 我一向爱好搜集有关祖上的一切珍闻轶事。你也许还记得当你跟我同住在英国的时候我曾经为了那个缘故跋涉旅途,遍访家族中的老人。目前我正在乡间休假,预料有整整一个星期的空闲,我想你也许同样地喜欢知道我一生的事迹(其中有...