After the war Butler joined theRepublican Partyand was elected to the 40th Congress. Butler soon associated himself with the group that became known as theRadical Republicans. Butler opposed the policies of PresidentAndrew Johnsonand argued in Congress that Southern plantations should be taken from th...
Butler, Benjamin Franklin (1818–93, American politician and Union general in the Civil War) from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. Read Butler, Benjamin Franklin (1818–93, American politician and Union general in the Civil War) from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. now at Questia....
. After graduating in 1838 from Waterbury College, now known as Colby College, Butler was admitted to the Massachusetts bar in 1840. Elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1853 and the Massachusetts Senate in 1859, he also served a tour of military duty during the Civil War....
Benjamin Bradley was an African American who was born into slavery in Maryland before the Civil War. He was probably born in 1836. He gained fame for constructing his own version of a steam engine when reportedly only sixteen years old....
An opponent of slavery, on the outbreak of theAmerican Civil WarLoan joined theUnion Army. Commissioned as a brigadier general he served until being elected to Congress in 1863. In 1867 Loan joined,James AshbyandBenjamin Butler, in claiming in Congress thatAndrew Johnsonhad been involved in the...
Needless to say, Baltimore eventually received the couple to its bosom. Even old General Moncrief became reconciled to his son-in-law when Benjamin gave him the moeny to bring our his History of the Civil War in twenty volumes, which had been refused by nine prominent publishers. ...
"Beast" Butler: the Incredible Career of Major General Benjamin Franklin Butler (review) 446CIVIL WAR HISTOR Y near or passed before a group of these animated beauties who was not literally . . . transformed into a demigod by the light of gloriously flashing eyes." A year later Judith McGu...
YankeeScarlett's breath came back to her as sud-denly and painfully as after a blow in the stomach. A Yankee, a Yankee with a long pistol on his hip! And she was alone in the house with three sick girls and the babies ! As he lounged up the walk, hand on hol-ster, beady ...
"Benjamin Franklin Butler: A Noisy, Fearless Life" is a biography of Benjamin Franklin Butler, a general and congressman during the Civil War. The book aims to provide a balanced reconsideration of Butler's contributions to the Union and challenges enduring myths about him.Jordan, Brian...
At first Benjamin Lucraft gave his support to theParis Communebut was appalled by the scale of the violence. He also disagreed with the views ofKarl Marx, that were expressed inThe Civil War in France(1871) and along withGeorge Odgerdecided to resign from the General Council ofInternational ...