Malignant tumors are named differently – usually according to the cell type from which they form, as follows: ● Carcinomas –arise in epithelial tissue; if arising from or forming ductal or glandular structures, they are called adenocarcinomas. Therefore, a malignant tumor originating from breast...
Tumor arising from Sheath of Schwann on nervesNeural tumorsNerve root problemsOccasional bone damageSciatic abnormalities'Schwannomas are unusual benign tumors which arise from the surface of neural elements of the body or within the brain. They do not as a rule metastasize but may cause sometimes ...
the tumor's location must be considered. Some tumors behave differently in different areas of the body; for example,canineoral melanoma usually is malignant, whereas canine cutaneous melanoma arising from haired skin usually is benign. Also, given the same type of tumor, the biologic behavior in...
Kurman RJ, Young RH, Norris HJ et al (1984) Immunocytochemical localization of placental lactogen and chorionic gonadotropin in the normal placenta and trophoblastic tumors, with emphasis on intermediate trophoblast and the placental site trophoblastic tissue. Int J Gynecol Pathol 3:101 ArticlePubMedCAS...
Seborrheic keratoses are non-cancerous growths of the outer layer of skin. They are usually brown, but can vary in color from beige to black, and vary in size from a fraction of an inch to more than an inch in diameter. They may occur singly or in clusters on the surface of the sk...
Neoplasms can originate from any of the tissues that form the architecture of the maxillary sinus. These include the mucosa, salivary glands, mesenchyme, vessels, muscle, dentition, and bone. They are uncommon tumors: Some are very rarely encountered. Many of these pose significant diagnostic ...
Mod Pathol 2003;16(3):246 –255 Pheochromocytomas and abdominal paraganglio- mas are catecholamine-producing tumors arising from sympathetic paraganglia located within and outside, respectively, of the adrenal medulla (1, 2). Less than 10% of sporadic pheochromocytomas and 15–35% of abdominal ...
the difference in location relative to the parent bone, it is well established that both tumors have many common features.1 They both affect young adults, with the peak incidence in the third decade of life,2–4 a decade older than conventional osteosarcoma that typically occurs in teenagers. ...
the 20th week of gestation, the endometrium consists of a single layer of columnar epithelium supported by a thick layer of fibroblastic stroma. After the 20th gestational week, the surface epithelium invaginates into the underlying stroma, forming glandular structures that extend toward the ...
Osseous tumorsThe imaging features of benign osseous lesions of the bone are often characteristic and suggestive of a specific diagnosis. This is particularly true for skeletal benign bone-forming lesions such as enostosis, osteoma, osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma. Enostosis or bone island is an...