Benign macrocephaly of infancy is a common problem in the child neurology practice. The radiologic features of this entity are not well defined. In most of the previous studies, macrocephalic patients were evaluated by computed tomography. To define the radiologic characteristics of this entity, 20...
Excess extracerebral accumulation of CSF over the brain and under the arachnoid matter in infants was first described by Dandy, who introduced the term “external hydrocephalus”, indicating that CSF is collecting in a site external to the brain itself [14]. The plethora of terminology used in ...
Benign intrinsic tumors arising in the dorsal midbrain have long been recognized as a potential cause of late-onset aqueductal stenosis. Where histopathological studies of such lesions have been performed, the majority have been reported to be low-grade gliomas. Because these tumors often present wi...
Macrocephaly in infancy: benign enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces and subdural collections. J Neurosurg Pediatr 2016; 18(1):16-20. 12.PEDS15600 PMID: 26942270Tucker J, Choudhary AK, Piatt J (2016) Macrocephaly in infancy: benign enlargement of the ...
A 40 days颅old male, the second son of a young non颅consanguineous couple, presented with axial congenital hypotonia, asymmetrical macrocephaly, mild enlargement of the liver, mild coarsening of facial features, increased CK serum values, persistently elevation of serum lactate and lactate/pyruvate ...
MacrocephalyOutcome studiesBenign external hydrocephalus (BEH) is characterized by too rapidly increasing head circumference in infants, combined with typical neuroimaging findings. Psychomotor developmental delay is typically seen during the first few years of life; after that, the children's development ...