A series of 55 cases is described in which hydrocephalus associated with non-neoplastic narrowing of the Sylvian aqueduct produced symptoms for the first time in adult life. The clinical features of the patients and their investigation are described and discussed.M. J. G. Harrison...
benign external hydrocephalus benign faint benign familial chorea benign familial chronic pemphigus benign familial neonatal convulsions benign fibrous histiocytoma benign giant lymph node hyperplasia benign glandular inclusion benign glycosuria benign headache ...
osteoblastoma- benign tumor of bone and fibrous tissue; occurs in the vertebrae or femur or tibia or arm bones (especially in young adults) osteochondroma- benign tumor containing both bone and cartilage; usually occurs near the end of a long bone ...
He had presented 20 years back with the same complaints and on workup he was found to have posterior fossa tumor with resultant hydrocephalus. He had undergone ventriculoperitoneal shunting followed by posterior fossa crani-ectomy with tumor excision followed by radiotherapy. Histopathology examination...
obstructive hydrocephalus. In general, loss of the ependy- mal layer is more pronounced in the regions overlying white matter rather than gray matter. 12 This finding may reflect the normal anatomical differences between the two structures. In addition, distinct alterations of the ...
This phenomenon may be asymptomatic or may give rise to communicating or noncommunicating hydrocephalus, seizures, focal neurologic deficits, mental retardation, or even melanoma. CNNs need not be giant to be associated with this underlying disorder. There is a significant association between ...
benign external hydrocephalus benign faint benign familial chorea benign familial chronic pemphigus benign familial neonatal convulsions benign fibrous histiocytoma benign giant lymph node hyperplasia benign glandular inclusion benign glycosuria benign headache benign hypertension benign infantile myoclonus benign int...
benign external hydrocephalus benign faint benign familial chorea benign familial chronic pemphigus benign familial neonatal convulsions benign fibrous histiocytoma benign giant lymph node hyperplasia benign glandular inclusion benign glycosuria benign headache ...