(sinus vagina) develops from the urogenital sinus; the endocervical glandular epithelium has recently been shown to be of uterine müllerian origin (Fluhmann 1960; Fritsch et al. 2013). Until the 20th week of gestation, the endometrium consists of a single layer of columnar epithelium supported ...
Fluid is seen within the cervical canal. There is a soft-tissue lesion within the cervical canal with a blood vessel feeding it. This is most likely a cervical polyp. Prolapsed fibroid or cervical cancer less likely but possible. Hypoechoic mass w/ shadowing in the posterior fundus of the ut...
Kelly P, McBride HA, Kennedy K, Connolly LE, McCluggage WG (2011) Misplaced Skene’s glands: glandular elements in the lower female genital tract that are variably immunoreactive with prostate markers and that encompass vaginal tubulosquamous polyp and cervical ectopic prostatic tissue. Int J Gyn...