1938 PhD London, LSE The position of the Viceroy and Governor General of India A RUDRA 1938 MA London British relations with the Sikhs and Afghans, July 1823 to March 1840 Charles WADE 1938/39 PhD Edinburgh Agricultural geography of the United Provinces B N MUKERJI 1939 PhD London, LSE Ind...
Partition of Bengal, (1905), division of Bengal carried out by the British viceroy in India, Lord Curzon, despite strong Indian nationalist opposition. It began a transformation of the Indian National Congress from a middle-class pressure group into a na
India - Partition, Bengal, 1905: The first partition of Bengal in 1905 brought that province to the brink of open rebellion. The British recognized that Bengal, with some 85 million people, was much too large for a single province and determined that it
The viceroy, Lord Curzon (governed 1899–1905), however, recognized the impracticality of trying to administer the turbulent frontier region as part of the large Punjab province. Thus, in 1901 he created a new North-West Frontier Province (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) containing some 40,000 square miles ...