Music is something that makes most people really happy. No matter what ethnicity, age or gender you belong to, you certainly love to listen to music. Aside from listening to music, there are other ways on how you can enjoy it. You can take up music lessons and enjoy playing musical ins...
Since music is such a powerful weapon that brings joys to whoever it hears it, I must tell you that there are a lot of wonderful benefits of playing a musical instrument that you should consider if your goal is to live a happy and fulfilled life. The Chinese philosopher Confucius once sai...
the little backyard fireworks became a jubilee. It turns out that while listening to music engages the brain in some pretty interesting activities, playing music is the brain's equivalent of a full-body workout. The neuroscientists saw multiple areas of the brain light up, simultaneously ...
Taking a life course perspective, playing a musical instrument at an early age shows benefits later in life. Studies demonstrate that children who play musical instruments have higher cognitive scores when compared to their peers who do not (Norton et al., 2005). In addition, brain imaging ...
tips: 1. 本音频来自ted How playing an instrument benefits your brain 2. 听力建议:建议先泛听,再对照原文听,最后再默听 3. 原文素材可以去ted查找也可以后台回复2 领取 2.mp3音频:00:0004:25 ‘成功的花,人们只惊羡于它现时的美丽;而...
Playing a musical instrument engages practically every area of the brain at once, especially the visual, auditory, and motor cortices. As with any other workout, disciplined, structured practice in playing music strengthens those brain functions, allowing us to apply that strength to other ...
这反过来可以改善你的社交生活,结识志同道合的乐队成员。学习一种乐器也能给你成就感。找到完美的和弦是一种方法,但如果你和一群朋友聚在一起,参加一场乐队之战,并获胜了呢?So, whether you’re looking to destress playing out some chords, or improve your grades at school,...
So, whether you’re looking to destress playing out some chords, or improve your grades at school, maybe taking up an instrument could help you. 词汇表 pianist 钢琴家 flautist 长笛手 cellist 大提琴手 dedication 专注,投入...
So, whether you’re looking to destress playing out some chords, or improve your grades at school, maybe taking up an instrument could help you. 词汇表 pianist 钢琴家 flautist 长笛手 cellist 大提琴手 dedication 专注,投入 passion 热情
When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged and active. But when you actually play an instrument, that activity becomes more like a full-body brain workout. What's going on? Educator Anita Collins explains the fireworks that go