Well if so then you’ve come to the right place to get the skinny on all the medical benefits of owning a cat, which range from physical to mental and beyond! Whether you’re considering adopting or currently share your home with a furry little friend and are want to know about the ...
Owning a cat can have a number of surprising benefits for your health and wellbeing. From lower stress levels to improved cardiovascular health, cats truly are amazing creatures that bring a lot of joy and happiness into our lives. So if you’re looking for a furry friend to share your li...
which is directly linked to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It reduces the risk of stroke. Scientists have researched and found out that the cat owners have a little less risk of dying than dog owners. Owning a cat provides a positive and soothing effect. ...
As well as improving mental health, owning a pet can have several physical health benefits. Research has shown that people who own pets are generally more active than those who don’t. This is because pets need regular exercise and playtime to stay healthy and happy, encouraging t...
Owning a pet can ward off depression, lower blood pressure, and boost immunity. It may even improve your social life.
Liu says: “Every person and every cat is unique, so owning a pet is not a guarantee of better mental health.” However, people who live with chronic mental health conditions often list spending time with their cats as a coping strategy for when they are sad, anxious or frightened. ...
Owning an indoor camera was once seen as an excessive, over-the-top security measure. Today, indoor cameras are fairly common. Porch did a study and found 21.5% of the 986 people surveyed had a camera inside their homes. Although, that means that four ou
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(especially if you have a dog thatloves their walks), which could mean reduced blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, leading to an overall improvement in cardiovascular health[1]. Studies have also shown that owning a dog is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease ...
Related article Owning a dog tied to lowering your risk of dying early by 24%, says science “Is it the dog or is it the behaviors?” Gulati asked. “Is it because you’re exercising or is it because there is a difference in the type of person who would choose to have a dog ver...