People experiencing hypervigilance tend to be constantly on guard, anticipating potential dangers and scanning their surroundings for signs of threat – either consciously or unconsciously. They tend to know who in the room is happy and who is frustrated. It'sa lotto take in. For example, one cl...
Receiving touch is of critical importance, as many studies have shown that touch promotes mental and physical well-being. We conducted a pre-registered (PROSPERO: CRD42022304281) systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis encompassing 137 studies in the meta-analysis and 75 additional studies in...
multivariate meta-analysis to address this need with quantitative evidence for (1) the effect of touch interventions on physical and mental health and (2) which moderators influence the efficacy of the intervention. In particular, we ask whether and how strongly health outcomes depend on the...
Hence, it is possible to create a sense of ‘being there’ in a virtual world by designing highly immersive VR experiences, which rely on multisensory feedback mechanisms [35]. Health and wellbeing are considered as indispensable resources for societies and human development [36]. The World ...
The plant-based alternative meat products market has attracted attention in recent years, as the demand for these products has grown worldwide. To meet the needs of this promising market, marketers must pay attention to the expected benefits of consumers and the insights that can be gleaned from...
but heterogeneity in terms of the study design, interventions and outcomes did not allow for performing a meta-analysis. All included studies shared the view that a parent’s learning is a circular (rather than frontal) process, and the results appear promising in terms of enhancing parents’ ...
Psychedelic drug, any of the so-called mind-expanding drugs that are able to induce states of altered perception and thought, frequently with heightened awareness of sensory input but with diminished control over what is being experienced. See also hallu