COLUMN: The war on drugs benefits powerful, marginalizes poorJeremy Biane
Learn about the potential benefits of Turmeric including contraindications, adverse reactions, toxicology, pharmacology and historical usage.
Medically reviewedby Last updated on Nov 11, 2024. Clinical Overview Use Vitamin D supplementation is used for treatment of vitamin D−deficient states in adults and children that can occur due to insufficient dietary sources, insufficient sunshine, increased age, and weight loss surger...
JB:TheUkraine warhas affected an estimated five percent ofclinical trialsglobally, so the impact has undeniably been huge for research. For just one example, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has said that as many as250 drugs and devices were being tested in Ukraine, whi...
In recent years, the increased prevalence of diseases associated with altered lifestyles, poor diet, and related awareness of natural therapies to treat th
Letter to the editor regarding "The benefits and risks of non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs for postoperative analgesia in sinonasal surgery: A syste... However, it remains unclear which specific NSAID medication is highly recommended for postoperative analgesia in sinonasal surgery or whether all...
the sharks in the moat while trying to get into the castle, then perhaps one should look for an alternative route into the castle or make friends with the sharks. I do not deny that the use of illegal drugs has an adverse affect on the user nor do I condone the use of them, but ...
to the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-BanTreaty,they bring scientific and civilbenefitsforthe country. 除其与《全面禁止核试验条约》的生效有关的主要功能外,这些监测站还为蒙古带来科学和民用方面的益处。
a rat status epilepticus model.(35) A depressant effect on the CNS was indicated by potentiation of pentobarbital effects on the righting reflex in mice(36) and a mild tranquilizing/relaxant effect in monkeys, cats, dogs, rats, and mice by a total alkaloid extract from the plant roots.(4)...
Medically reviewed by Last updated on Feb 20, 2024.Overview History Dosage Pregnancy Interactions Side effects Clinical OverviewUseReviews of the medical literature support the clinical efficacy of artemisinin and its derivatives against all forms of malaria, particularly Plasmodium falciparum. ...