The concept of prophylactic (preventative) ankle wrapping was introduced more than 60 years ago to prevent or reduce the severity of ankle injuries. It may be applied before practice or a competition. Ankle bracing and taping should be done under the guidance of a sports medicine physician or ...
kinesiology tape can ease pain, mitigate injuries, and reduce post-workout muscle soreness in mortal athletes engaged in any type of outdoor exertion or active venture. Here’s how.
Learn Correct Taping Techniques Sure, your old-school gym trainer’s tape can provide support in a pinch. And modernizing to a kinesiology tape can address a number of common athletic injuries. But creating the perfect balance of support and flexibility is an art. One of the most common error...
Stick with lower-impact and more gentle and rhythmic dance classes if you are concerned about the pounding (low back problems, knee arthritis, or other joint injuries). Experiment until you find the classes that work best for you. Classes are great for people who like to exercise with others...
Montalvo AM, Cara EL, Myer GD.Effect of kinesiology taping on pain in individuals with musculoskeletal injuries: systematic review and meta-analysis.The Physician and Sportsmedicine. 2014;42(2):48-57. doi:psm.2014.05.2057 Additional Reading
Stick with lower-impact and more gentle and rhythmic dance classes if you are concerned about the pounding (low back problems, knee arthritis, or other joint injuries). Experiment until you find the classes that work best for you. Classes are great for people who like to exercise with others...
A survey of more than 1,000 owners of working dogs found more than half of undocked spaniels experienced a tail injury of some sort in the last year. The study from the University of Glasgow was commissioned by the Scottish government....
David Hoyle of Select Medical tells us how athletic trainers and physical therapists can be useful in reducing injuries through their knowledge of musculoskeletal therapies. It’s often said the best injury is the one that never happens. Many work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) begin as...
Stick with lower-impact and more gentle and rhythmic dance classes if you are concerned about the pounding (low back problems, knee arthritis, or other joint injuries). Experiment until you find the classes that work best for you. Classes are great for people who like to exercise with others...
Stick with lower-impact and more gentle and rhythmic dance classes if you are concerned about the pounding (low back problems, knee arthritis, or other joint injuries). Experiment until you find the classes that work best for you. Classes are great for people who like to exercise with others...