The best way to get enough iodine is to eat iodized salt, but you can also supplement with iodine if you don’t eat iodized salt or if you don’t like taking supplements, dandelion tea is an easy way to get your daily dose of iodine. Dandelion tea is made from the root of the dan...
In order to fully benefit from taking purslane, some people use purslane supplements that come as powder (likethis one), capsules (likethis one) and tincture. These supplements can be found in health stores or online and contain all the antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, carotenoids, and omeg...
You might think ofdandelion leaves and dandelion rootas nothing more than weeds. However, their rich nutritional profile and therapeutic properties have long been recognized in herbal medicine. Dandelion is packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that provide numerous health benefits. 7 Sur...
For good bacteria to thrive, you must also eat plenty of prebiotics. Prebiotics are fibers that feed probiotic bacteria. Prebiotic foods include: Onions Raw dandelion greens Garlic Artichokes Bananas (especially unripe) Chicory root Asparagus Leeks Raw jicama Apples Cocoa Flaxseeds Taking probiotics...
I suffer regularly from migraines and had one of the worst of my life within an hour of taking this. I felt sick, blinding headache and 14 hours later, still hadn’t gone to the bathroom. I’m not saying that it will be like this for every migraine sufferer, but just something to ...
Eczema.Some studies have shown that taking probiotic supplements during pregnancy might help reduce the risk that your child will have eczema, if you have a family history of it. But it hasn't been found to affect the risk of other conditions like food allergies. ...
What are the side effects of taking amino acid supplements? Side effects of amino acid supplements can include: Nausea Vomiting Bloating Diarrhea Cramps Dehydration Pain Headache How should I choose the right amino acid supplement for my needs?
Ayurvedic Health benefits of Red sage Heart Enlarged:Take 10 drops of extract or tincture. Liver Diseases:Take 1 to 2 g powder ofYellow Dock root, Dandelion root, Red sage, Sarsaparilla, and Pau de Arco. Mix each Herb into a wide mouth jar. Shake it up and your perfect formula for liv...
In our opinion, this helps to provide greater bioavailability and uptake of the primary ingredients, delivered closer to the way nature intended with less potential side-effects. If you do decide to take EGb761 or others, we would also advise taking the whole liquid tinctured extract along wit...
Hypotensive Health Benefits of Hawthorn for Diabetic Patients In the British Journal of General Practice of June 2006, a report entitled “Hypotensive effects of Hawthorn for patients with diabetes taking prescription drugs: a randomised controlled trial” has investigated the effects of Hawthorn for hyp...