Benefits of sunlight: a bright spot for human health [corrected] [published erratum appears in ENVIRON HEALTH PERSPECT 2008 May;116(5):A197]Mead MNEnvironmental Health Perspectives
Light levels help to regulate alertness and mood. We also rely on sunlight to convert cholesterol in the skin intovitamin D, which helps build strong bones, and plays a beneficial role in our immune system. Some headlines even suggest that sunlight could and helpprotect us from the c...
【题目】T he Real Health Benefits o f Gettin g Some Sunlight Getting too much sun is dangerous to yo ur skin. However, getting some sun can be qui te good for you. T here is no doubt that sunsh ine makes a difference to your mood. 1When it's a beautiful sunlit day, you are ...
Some researchers are starting to make the case that we’ve confused causation with correlation on this issue. Instead of vitamin D being directly linked to improved health outcomes, it may be that sunlight itself is the thing that’s providing all of those health benefits, while someone’s lev...
exposure to sun for an average of 10 minutes every day, particularly in the midday, all year round is considered enough by health experts to make enough vitamin D for our body. Exposure to the sunlight in early mornings and in afternoons has other great health benefits. Make sure you bring...
Sun exposure is good for mental health Sun exposure can be associated with a reduced incidence of mental illness, including anxiety, depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and schizophrenia. This is because exposure to sunlight radiation modulates brain serotonergic activity, inducing the release...
Unlike those damaging rays, far infrared rays are completely safe invisible rays of high wavelength energy on the opposite side of the visible spectrum of sunlight. These are the rays that provide the deep healing heat you feel right down to your bones on a bright sunny day. ...
Vitamin D deficiency in 2010: health benefits of vitamin D and sunlight: a D-bate. Holick Michael F. Nature reviews. Endocrinology . 2011Holick MF 2011 Vitamin D deficiency in 2010: health benefits of vitamin D and sunlight: a D-bate. Nat Rev Endocrinol 7:73-75...
Exercise, in almost any form, is known to lessen the symptoms of mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. Being outside also exposes us tovitamin D. Sunlight, in healthy doses, is an important vitamin that is essential for overall health. Vitamin D also helps regulate mood. ...
Vitamin D3 supports healthy bones and glowing skin, boosts immunity, and promotes heart health. Learn more about the benefits of vitamin D3.